

Hello and welcome to Nightingale & Dolittle, it’s nice to meet you! I’m Ruth and I'm from Bristol in the south west of England.

I have an ever-growing obsession with sewing and have grand plans to gradually create a whole handmade wardrobe. I also enjoy knitting and crochet, and they'll pop up occasionally on these pages too.

As I don’t know anyone 'in real life' who is quite as interested in making things for themselves as I am, and as I’ve been inspired by so many great blogs in the past, I started my blog as a way to document my projects and connect with fellow sewists, knitters, and general creatives around the world. 

The name Nightingale & Dolittle was inspired by 2 little girls in my extended family born close together called Florence and Eliza - a comment was made about them being Nightingale and Dolittle and I liked the sound of the names together so stole it for my blog!

I have a general weakness for twirly skirts, colour, flowers, stars and polka dots, which I try, and sometimes fail, to balance out with the need to make more "sensible" garments.

Enjoy reading about what I’ve been up to, and please say hello - I'd love to hear from you!


Contact me at:


  1. How do I follow by email? I'm enjoying your blog!

    1. Hi Melody! You should now be able to see a follow by email box in the top right of the page. I'm so glad you're enjoying my blog!

  2. Hello
    Just thought I would say hello as I come from Whitechapel in London, where did you get the name of the pyjamas?

    1. Hi Bernadette! It's the name that the designer used for the pattern - I can't take any credit for coming up with it! :)

  3. I've only just discovered your blog and love it! I'm from New Zealand and I've recently made a goal to have most of my wardrobe made by myself. Thanks for being an inspiration!

    1. Thank you - happy to provide some inspiration! And good luck with your handmade wardrobe goal!

  4. Hi, have recently discovered you and am loving your blog. I,too, seek to have a handmade wardrobe and enjoy both the sewing and knitting projects you do. Many thanks


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