
Thursday 27 August 2015

New Look 6723

How are you all today? I'm feeling nice and rested still after spending last week on holiday up in Northumberland with my family. Obviously I had to make a couple of new things to take with me, which means that I can treat you to some different photo backdrops for my next couple of posts, starting with this version of New Look 6723...

It's a pretty pattern with a princess seamed bodice, full skirt and a sweetheart or higher neckline, and sleeveless, short sleeve or three-quarter sleeved options. Oh, and a lined bodice - which is definitely my favourite finish.

I bought the pattern partly because I decided that I'd like a couple of dresses with slightly lower necklines. As is probably evident by now, I love my Emery dresses but their one downside is that I can't wear my necklaces (nothing posh, just pretty!) with them. So I was definitely going to try the sweetheart version of New Look 6723 first, and it's summer so sleeveless seemed like a good option.

The fabric is Gütermann Long Island Rose. I got it from Weaver Dee when they had it half price, but they don't seem to have it in stock anymore.

It surprised me a little when it arrived - I was expecting the print to be smaller scale and the background to be navy, whereas it's definitely a grey-blue and in some lights looks much more grey than blue. It's a lovely quality cotton though, and the more I looked at it the more I thought that it was probably actually nicer than what I thought I was buying. Surprises are good when they're nice surprises!

I made a couple of changes to the pattern. Firstly, the sweetheart bodice has a centre front seam, which I assume is to make it easier to get a nice point on the sweetheart shape. I didn't really want a seam there breaking up the fairly large-scale print though, so I chose to cut the bodice on the fold instead. I reinforced the stitching at the centre point, and cut as far down into the seam allowance towards the point as I dared, and that's produced a perfectly good shape as far as I'm concerned.

I also added pockets as I'm fairly prone to hay fever-type sneezing fits so it's always good to have somewhere to put a tissue! I just stole the pattern pieces from the Emery dress - nice and simple. I know some people don't understand the fascination with pockets, but I definitely find that I miss them when they're not there.

The pattern uses a lapped zip, but I had an invisible zip ready to use so I went with that option instead. That meant that I had to do a couple of the other steps slightly differently, but that mainly affects the finish on the lining not the actual dress itself.

When it came to picking a size, I tried out my theory I mentioned in my post about my last dress of sizing down in the shoulders to avoid underarm gaping. I made a size 14 at the shoulders, grading out to a size 16 from the bust downwards and it worked a treat - no underarm gaping in sight!

Other than that, I just needed to make my standard adjustment of adding length to the bodice (although only 1.5 cm, so less than usual).

I like this dress a lot more than I was expecting to when the fabric arrived. It's really pretty, but I think the grey in the background dilutes the sweetness of it a bit so stops it from being too girly and twee. I love the shape as well - so much so that I'm thinking of cutting into some prized Liberty lawn for another 6723. What do you think, should I do it?!


  1. Oh yes this is beautiful on you. The fabric is really pretty and I love the neckline. Great job grading out from the bust, its worked a treat.

  2. Such a pretty dress, Ruth! I've just made a dress with a sweetheart neckline too and also stole Emery pocket pattern pieces. Great minds think alike! Grading down for the shoulders has given you a great fit. I always find fitting shoulders so tricky.

    P.S. So jealous of your sandal tan!

    1. Thanks Jo! Great minds definitely do think alike! The sandal tan suddenly seems to have appeared from nowhere - probably an indication I've been wearing the same 2 very similarly shaped pairs of sandals all summer!

  3. very nice fabric - looks like you got a good fit ;o)

  4. Your dress is gorgeous! I love the sweetheart neckline, and agree with you about getting rid of the bodice centre front seam. I also agree with you about pockets, Simplicity 2444 pocket piece is my favourite! And what a bargain on the fabric, it would have been rude not to buy it!

    1. Thank you Lynne! Yes, definitely rude not to buy pretty fabric when it's 50% off. You've reminded me that I need to make Simplicity 2444 still - it's been on my list for ages!

  5. Very pretty and the colours are lovely. I love a sweetheart neckline but I'm definitely in agreement that you don't want a seam down the front! Looks like you managed some rain free beach time.

    1. Thank you! The seam down the front would just have been odd, wouldn't it? And yes, I did just about manage rain-free beach time - although it did start to pour about half an hour after we took these photos!

  6. You suit this style so much! it's absolutely lovely, and the neckline looks really really good, definitely think you were wise not to put a seam down the middle there!

  7. Lovely dress and the photos are perfect. You capture that endless summer vibe!


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