
Wednesday 11 March 2015

Roses Are Blue (and so is my wardrobe!) Emery Dress

This is not the most seasonally appropriate dress I could have made at the moment. Don't be deceived by the sunshine and blue skies in these photos, there was a bitter wind to go with them, and I had to run inside for extra layers as soon as possible or I would have turned the same colour as my dress! Sometimes though, you just need to sew what you want to sew and not the "sensible" option, and this, my latest Emery dress, was just such an occasion.

I picked the fabric up from the remnants section of my fabrics a couple of months ago (they have more of it here if you like it). I wasn't sure what it was going to become at the time, but I already had a couple of items in my basket, and spending a bit more would mean I got free delivery so I convinced myself that it actually made financial sense to buy this. Plus, you know, it's pretty!

The fabric sat patiently waiting to see what it would turn into for a month or two and then when I realised that I'd been terribly neglectful and not made a single dress yet this year, its fate was sealed. And I think it's a pretty good fate - like my other Emery dresses (1, 2, 3, 4), it just makes me feel good as soon as I put it on.

This time I lined the bodice with some lovely soft shirting I salvaged from a second-hand man's shirt. The collar was a bit worn but the rest of the fabric was fine and it was great quality so I'm glad it now has a new lease of life. I love how the lining looks with the main fabric too - I might have to restrain myself from unzipping my dress to show off the lining to random people!

It occurred to me recently, and this dress is a case in point, that I sew an awful lot of blue garments. I always have loved wearing blue in all its multifarious shades and hues, so this shouldn't be too much of a surprise, but I was rummaging through my scraps the other day and even I was slightly shocked by just how many of them are blue. Seriously, there are almost no fabrics there that don't feature blue to some degree or another!

How did that happen without me noticing it? And is there anything wrong with it? Part of me thinks that I should put an embargo on buying blue fabric and branch out into other colours, but then another part of me thinks that blue suits me and I like it so there's nothing wrong with my wardrobe having a tendency towards the monochromatic. After all, from navy to turquoise to baby blue, there's a lot of variation within this "one" colour. What do you think?

I suspect that however much I broaden my palette, which won't be hard because I do love colour in general, there'll always be something that brings me back to blue. Similarly, I don't think this will be my last Emery either, as number five is just as much a success as its predecessors. Do you have a colour or pattern that you're always guaranteed to love?


  1. Ooo, your dress is gorgeous! And I love the lining too. I say if you like blue, then buy it. I had the same issue with red fabric.

    1. Thank you! I do really love the lining! I suspect I'll probably still be buying blue, although I might consciously buy a few different things too because I love colour in general.

  2. Your Dress fits you beautifully. I love how smooth your sleeves look. That's what I'm always struggling with so it was the first thing I noticed. Your fabric choice as always is amazing and blue suits you very well. I find it difficult to branch out into other fabrics as well. Rose for me :)

    1. Thank you! I used to struggle with sleeves too, but I read a tip somewhere that said to hand baste them before sewing and since then I've had much better results. Glad I'm not the only one who often sticks to one colour!

  3. Ruth, you look lovely in blue! I am particularly drawn to the lining, and I think it's a great idea repurposing a man's shirt. It's fabulous, and I share the temptation to show off the lining, LOL. I think a lot of us are eagerly looking forward to more spring and summer sewing. I've got a short sleeved dress in the makes right now!

    1. Thank you Sue! I think not showing off the lining could be a bit of a struggle - it just looks so lovely with the main fabric. Yes, I'm definitely looking forward to more spring and summer sewing now!

  4. So jealous of your beautifully fitted Emery. I'm ready to trial my second Emery bodice muslin tonight. Fitting my shoulders and back is proving to be an utter nightmare.

    Blue is a lovely colour, and like you say there are so many gorgeous shades to chose from, so don't feel bad about being drawn to it. I had a good giggle about you wanting to flash your lining to people. I'm always going "look, it's got contrast lining!" or "hey, check out my french seams!!" regardless of whether people are interested. Haha!

    1. Hope you get your Emery fitting sorted - it's a lovely dress once you've worked out the fit, although I was very lucky and just had to add a bit of length to the bodice.
      I'm glad I'm not the only one who goes around showing the insides of handmade clothes to people!

  5. Nothing wrong with a bit of blue. I think it's great knowing that certain colours and tones will suit you. I'm still guilty of buying thing because they are pretty despite the colour looking drab on me! You have nailed the fit on this Emery, it is a winner. And the blue shirting goes fantastically with it .

    1. Thanks Louise - practice definitely makes perfect in terms of the Emery for me! I'm fairly lucky I think because the colours I'm naturally drawn to are the ones that suit me - although I'm sure we're all guilty of buying things because they're pretty even though they don't suit us every now and then!


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