
Thursday 26 June 2014

Sewaholic Belcarra Blouse: Take 2

I mentioned in my post about my first Sewaholic Belcarra blouse that my second blouse was already cut out, and as it's a nice, easy pattern to sew up, it didn't take long for it to get from being cut out to a finished blouse and slotting perfectly into my summer wardrobe. Here it is...

This time I didn't have to worry about reusing oddly shaped bits of material, so I stuck to the pattern straight out of the envelope. Like last time, I cut a straight size 12, and I'm happy with the fit. The neckline seems to have turned out a little wider than in my first version (maybe I was a bit too enthusiastic in my cutting or something!), and I do sometimes end up with a bra strap peeping out at the shoulder when I'm wearing it, which I don't with my first version, but it's not much of a problem.

I chose to sew view B as I thought that being as I was using a plain fabric the cute tucks along the shoulders would stand out well and add a bit of interest, and avoid the risk of a plain top being a boring. 

The tucks were the only bit of the construction that I hadn't already tested out on my first version but, like the rest of the blouse, they're simple to sew - you just need to take a bit of time and care to make sure that they're all nice and even. 

The fabric that I used this time is a pretty pink cotton lawn from Croft Mill. I was a little bit worried when it arrived that it would be too sheer and that it would need underlining, or that I'd need to wear an extra layer under it, but it's actually turned out just fine for this top. I think you'd need a lining of some kind for a more fitted top or a skirt though.

There are a whole load of different materials that I've got my eye on to buy at the moment, but I was good with this one and stuck to a plain material for a change instead of being seduced by all the fun prints that I usually go for. Like a lot of the online sewing community, I've realised that while all the pretty patterned materials are great (and don't worry, I'll definitely still be using them), I do also need some plain separates here and there to make sure that I'm not wearing a complete mess of different prints. This fits that bill well, as it goes nicely with a couple of my skirts - and as an added bonus is a perfect match for the flowers on the necklace I'm wearing here which I treated myself to recently!

I'm keeping my eye out for a nice fabric to make a slightly smarter Belcarra with as I think it's the kind of style that could easily be dressed up with nice accessories if you made it in the right fabric, but having been sensible with this project, I might allow myself to make another pretty patterned dress or two now! What's everyone else working on this week?


  1. I like this one even more than your first version and I loved that one! Those tucks... so neat and stylish, you look great in this top. I want one.

    1. Thank you! I think I slightly prefer my first one, but this is a very close second. I'd definitely recommend the pattern - it sews up nice and quickly, and is a great summer top!

  2. My comment just got eaten by the web. So again: lovely blouse and yeah for using a solid color and no patterned fabric! I have the same problem, so I know how difficult it is to choose plain over pattern. I'm working on a shirt for my bf at the moment.

    1. I hate it when the internet eats comments - thanks for writing it again! It is definitely hard to pick plain over pattern sometimes, I'm just telling myself at the moment that I'll probably be able to wear things a lot more if I go for the "sensible" option sometimes. Hope you're getting on OK with the shirt and that you've got some selfish sewing lined up for once it's done!

  3. Thanks for sharing this information. I really like your blog post very much. You have really shared a informative and interesting blog post with people.. blouse back neck designs

  4. I love this outfit, it's so glam and cute at the same time and your pretty curls just add more glamour :) I can see how you would be cold though! Maybe you could team the sheer blouses with a high-waisted skirt ...blouse designs


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