
Monday 14 October 2013

Rainbow Granny Square Crochet Cushion

I had an enforced break from my current dressmaking craze last week while I was waiting for a new pattern to arrive, so I turned my attentions to some crochet instead and finally finished my rainbow-coloured granny square cushion. I first blogged about this project back in August, when it was just one lonely little square. That has now multiplied into 18, which have come together to create this little beauty that is now brightening up my living room...

I made up the 18 squares first (I used Rico Creative Cotton Aran), then spent a very dull evening fastening in all the ends. Lesson learned: for future projects like this, I will sort all the ends out as I go along to spread the boring job out a bit!

I then joined them up into six lines of three...

Then I joined three lines up to make a nine by nine square for the front...

For the back, I joined two lines together to form a two by three rectangle, attached this to bottom of the front and attached the last line of three separately to the top of the front to leave an opening a third of the way down the back of the cover. I popped the cushion pad inside, and threaded ribbon through the holes in the squares to fasten them together...

I finished it just at the right time as well, because the rainbow colours brightened up a very gloomy and rainy Sunday, and it's a lovely snuggly cushion because of it being crocheted. I've got a load of dressmaking plans that I want to put into action at some point, but I think there will be some more knitting and crochet going on too - it's nice to be able to snuggle up on the sofa with some wool now that it's getting a bit colder! I'll leave you with one last blast of colour, and I'll see you again soon...


  1. I'm so obsessed with granny squares right now! Love this pillow! Thanks for linking up to Monday Funday!

    1. Thank you! I love granny squares too - so simple but so pretty!

  2. So jolly! I wish I could crochet! I also use very bright things to cheer grey days but I don't have any cushion covers as lovely as this!

    1. Thank you! Bright things always cheer me up! I only recently learnt to crochet - I'd tied to teach myself and failed but I went to a course at a local craft shop and that made it all a lot easier!

  3. Love your bright colours. I'm working on a black, grey and white afghan (squares from a swap) and although it should look effective when joined up, that coour palette can get a bit boring.

    1. Thank you! I'm sure your afghan will look lovely once it's all finished! :-)

  4. i love the chevron stitch, so much so i'm hooked on it, plus peggy sq's


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