
Wednesday 31 July 2013

Crochet for beginners

I said in my first blog post that crochet was the next item on my list of crafts to try out. I've been thinking of doing this for a while now but I never got round to it, partly because of all the other things I already have to keep me busy and partly because I've been slightly put off by some of the old fashioned, oddly coloured crochet items that I've seen in the past. Then I read about a learn to crochet course at Paper Village, which isn't far from me in Bristol, so I decided to give it a go - and I'm really glad that I did! There definitely wasn't any old fashioned crochet going on, and I feel like I learned quite a lot over the 6 weeks. In week 1 we covered the basics of getting started, then in week 2 we moved on to Granny squares...

Week 3's challenge was triangles for making bunting...

In week 4, possibly my favourite week I think, we made flowers...

This was followed by crocheting in the round in week 5, after which I had my first adventure into the world of amigurumi and made this little owl...

And last but not least, in week 6 we made stars...

And now I'm left with the challenge of deciding what my next proper crochet project will be - I'm a bit spoilt for choice but I'm thinking of starting with a rainbow blanket, watch this space!

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